Commander4j - Change Log

Commander4j - 11.01

SQL Server Integrated Security added.
JasperReports 7.0.0 now included.
New Builds for Apple Silicon and Windows arm64
New Web App for Barcode Scanners
Updated Dependencies
Improved support for multiple screen setups.
Commander4j - 10.26

0002212: Update to JasperReports Libraries
0002213: Improved Intermec Pallet Label
0002213: Update to Weight Checks Reporting Criteria
0002214: Improved Weights Checks Data Capture Screen
Commander4j - 10.18

0002208: [Desktop] User interface for Panel Results Update screen improved re JComboBox functionality within JTable
0002207: [Database] Bug in mySQL version of view called view_qm_results fixed in schema version 185
0002206: [Installer] Java runtime updated to OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu17.46+19-CA (build 17.0.9+8-LTS)
0002205: [New Feature Requests] New function to default values in Panel Results screen
Commander4j - 10.17

0002200: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports updated to version 6.20.6
Commander4j - 10.13

0002198: [Desktop] Minor bug fix for colours used in Panel Samples Table Rendering
0002197: [Build Scripts] Correction to MS SQL scripts to remove duplicate create for VIEW_PLANTS
Commander4j - 10.03

0002196: [Database] Fixed problem with Setup4j not connecting to Oracle database due to driver being deregistered
0002195: [Interfaces] Outbound PDF / Email Interfaces Despatch and Sort Notify duplicating messages in Interface Log
Commander4j - 10.02

0002194: [Desktop] Notify option added to Pallet Sorting module
0002193: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update to jSerialComm-2.10.3
0002192: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC driver to version 8.1.0
Commander4j - 10.01

0002190: [3rd Party Library Updates] Log4j library removed and Log4j2 updated to version 2.20.0
Commander4j - 10.00

0002184: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update bundled Java to version 17
Commander4j - 9.70

0002183: [Interfaces] Enhance inbound Prod Dec message format to permit suppression of output interface message.
Commander4j - 9.68

0002182: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JSerialComm to version 2.10.1
Commander4j - 9.67

0002181: [Scanner] Update Scanner Web pages to use Zebra Enterprise Browser
Commander4j - 9.66

0002178: [Installer] Install4j 10.0.6
0002172: [3rd Party Library Updates] Commons-io version 2.13.0
Commander4j - 9.65

0002171: [3rd Party Library Updates] Correct Oracle JDBC Driver Issue
Commander4j - 9.64

0002170: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Commons-IO to version 2.12.0
Commander4j - 9.63

0002167: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports to version 6.20.5
Commander4j - 9.62

0002162: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL JDBC to version 12.2.0
Commander4j - 9.61

0002161: [Installer] Bundled Java updated to 11.0.19
Commander4j - 9.60

0002160: [Interfaces] Create new outbound interface to un-confirm a pallet declaration
0002159: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Jasper Reports to 6.20.3
0002149: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Jasper Reports to 6.20.1
0002157: [New Feature Requests] Add option to un-confirm pallet
0002155: [Label Printing] Enhancement to label printing to enable ZPL copies to be used rather than repeating data using ^PQ<*ZPL_LABEL_COUNT*>
0002153: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update OpenCSV to version 5.7.1
0002152: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade mySQL JDBC connector to version 8.0.32
0002150: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JFreeChart to version 1.5.4
Commander4j - 9.50

0002143: [3rd Party Library Updates] Java runtime updated to openjdk version "11.0.18" 2023-01-17 LTS
0002142: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Cups4j to version 0.7.9
0002141: [3rd Party Library Updates] JSerialComm updated to version 2.9.3
Commander4j - 9.47

0002119: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 10.0.1
0002120: [Installer] Java updated to 11.0.16
Commander4j - 9.46

0002114: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.20.0
0002118: Correct SQL statement used by QM Panel Enquiries screen for mySQL and Oracle
Commander4j - 9.43

0002091: [Servlet (Apache Tomcat)] Servlet does not work with Apache Tomcat 10 - create new version for Tomcat 10
Commander4j - 9.40

0002083: [3rd Party Library Updates] Commons IO 2.8 (Fix Excel Export which was not working with Commons IO 2.6)
Commander4j - 9.39

0002073: [3rd Party Library Updates] Revert Commons IO to version 2.60
0002072: [3rd Party Library Updates] Log4j updated to 2.17.2
0002071: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.19.1
Commander4j - 9.36

0002065: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Jasper Reports Library to 6.19
Commander4j - 9.35

0002064: [3rd Party Library Updates] JSerialComm updated to 2.9.1
Commander4j - 9.22

0002026: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update 3rd party libraries
Commander4j - 9.21

0002025: [Build Scripts] Add "" to classpath
0002021: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports Library updated to version 6.18.1
0002014: [Installer] Java runtime updated to OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.52+13-CA (build 11.0.13+8-LTS, mixed mode)
0002012: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports from 6.17 to 6.18 including dependencies
0002011: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update jSerialComm library from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0
Commander4j - 9.19

0001998: [Scanner] Modify Waste Log to permit saving of Process Order even if the Location flag defines that a PO is not required.
0001997: [Scanner] Invalid Process Order in Waste Log screen not being blanked
0001996: [Software Deployment] Install4j updated to version 9.0.5
Commander4j - 9.18

0001994: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Java 11 version of Commander4j to be bundled with Java openjdk version "11.0.12"
0001993: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Java 8 version of Commander4j to be bundled with Java openjdk version "1.8.0_302"
0001992: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mysql JDBC to version 8.0.26
Commander4j - 9.17

0001989: [New Feature Requests] Enhance Despatch transaction to permit the inclusion of empty pallets (equipment)
0001986: [Database] Add EQUIPMENT_ID into APP_PALLET and APP_PALLET_HISTORY tables
0001988: [Security] Fix bug with Logon method which occurs sometimes when client and server (db) are running on different operating systems
0001984: [Desktop] Fix bug with picklist import function not updating total number of pallets on despatch
0001978: [Interfaces] Extra characters in xml message header mean that message won't appear in message log if the length exceeds 45 chars
Commander4j - 9.14

0001975: [Scanner] Create Despatch on Scanner with MySQL database encountering null string exception
0001974: [New Feature Requests] Add function to Despatch Screen to allow pick list to be imported from XML file.
Commander4j - 9.13

0001967: [Label Printing] Modified Waste Location Barcode report so that each barcode is A5 (2 per A4)
0001968: [Reports] Add new "Users" report sorted by date of Last Logon so that inactive accounts can be identified and disabled if necessary
0001965: [Installer] Update Install4j to version 9.0.4
0001964: [Desktop] Incorrect text label "lbl_GLN" in Location Admin screen
Commander4j - 9.12

0001959: [Database] Add indexes to APP_WASTE_LOG table
0001958: [Waste Recording] Scanner option always blanks out Process Order when a data validation error is detected during Submit (write)
0001953: [Software Deployment] Bundled Java updated to openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20 LTS
0001951: [Desktop] Add option to table popup menu's which will permit field value to be copied to clipboard.
Commander4j - 9.08

0001946: [Software Deployment] Install4j updated to version 9.0.3
0001945: [New Feature Requests] Add Containers to Waste Module
0001944: [3rd Party Library Updates] MySQL jdbc updated to 8.0.25
Commander4j - 9.07

0001943: [3rd Party Library Updates] Oracle JDBC Driver updated to Version 21.1
0001942: [3rd Party Library Updates] MS SQL JDBC Driver Update to Version 9.2.1
0001941: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MySQL JDBC Driver to version 8.0.24
0001940: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.17 (Java 11 Release)
Commander4j - 9.06

0001939: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Cups4j to version 0.7.8
0001938: [Desktop] Modifications to Waste Module - Add Tare
Commander4j - 9.04

0001925: [Software Deployment] Install4j updated to version 9.0.2
0001924: [3rd Party Library Updates] Cups4j Updated to version 0.7.8
Commander4j - 9.03

0001923: [Email Notifications] Automated emails not working since updating to Java 11
Commander4j - 9.02

0001926: [Software Deployment] Java runtime updated - changed from AdoptOpen to Zulu for Apple Silicon support
Commander4j - 8.10

0001895: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC driver to version 8.0.22
0001897: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL Server JDBC driver to version 8.4.1
0001890: [Software Deployment] Update Bundled Java to OpenJDK 8 (275)
Commander4j - 8.08

0001876: [New Feature Requests] Add resource selection criteria to Pallet Admin screen.
0001878: [Database] Ensure that all mySQL functions use include DETERMINISTIC type settings so no exceptions are generated during schema creation.
0001875: [New Feature Requests] Amend Label History screen so that number of records retrieved can be configured and is not hard coded to 50 rows
0001874: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to 6.15.0
Commander4j - 8.07

0001844: [Software Deployment] Update Bundled Java Runtime to version (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_265-b01)
Commander4j - 8.0.6

0001829: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to 6.14.0
Commander4j - 8.0.5

0001826: [Software Deployment] Update install4j to version 8.0.5
0001816: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.13.0
Commander4j - 8.0.4

0001807: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Install4j to version 8.0.7
Commander4j - 8.02

0001801: [Desktop] Correct bug in unit of measure maintenance screen which saved description in upper case
0001800: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 8.0.6
0001799: [Database] Amend schema creation scripts for Oracle databases to remove quotes and eliminate case sensitive table name issues.
0001798: [Scanner] Add scanner function to allow recording of waste
Commander4j - 8.01

0001797: [Database] Case sensitive table name issue in Waste view selection and erroneous .toUpper in JDBQuery
0001796: [Scanner] Update Cups4j used by servlet scanner app and add additional dependencies
Commander4j - 8.00

0001793: [Database] Major overhaul of mySQL database support on Linux based systems.
0001792: [Software Deployment] First public release of Waste recording module
0001791: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JSerial to version 2.62
0001790: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Java JRE to jdk8u252-b09
0001789: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC driver to version 8.0.20
Commander4j - 7.33

0001777: [Database] mySQL database creation on Linux hosts has problems with view names not being consistently lower case
0001778: [Database] Oracle database tables and views created with quotations around name become case sensitive
0001770: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 8.0.5
0001769: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to 6.12.2
0001767: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to 6.12.1
Commander4j - 7.32

0001757: [Reports] Check all reports for font size issues.
0001756: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL JDBC driver to version 8.2.0
0001752: [Database] Amend database collation for all fields in table APP_WEIGHT_SAMPLE_DETAIL to database_default
0001753: [Build Scripts] Update bundled java to OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_242-b08)
Commander4j - 7.31

0001748: [Installer] Update install4j to version 8.0.4 0001743: [Installer] Change installer so that licence prompt does not appear during auto update,
Commander4j - 7.29

0001736: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC library to version 8.0.19
Commander4j - 7.27

0001722: [New Feature Requests] Extend batch number formatting to include PO_PLANT which is the plant determined from the PO Location
0001706: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.11.0
0001701: [Database] Much improved support for Oracle databases. Min version now 12c
0001700: [Clone Utility] Improve copy of text field with no data
0001697: [Database] Amend Oracle Row Limit from RowNum to FETCH FIRST xxx Syntax
Commander4j - 7.26

0001685: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL Jdbc connector to version 8.0.18
0001684: [Desktop] Export to Excel problem with PATH being converted to lower case as well as filename - error invalid path
0001683: [Desktop] Fix to printer enumeration generating exception when description is null
Commander4j - 7.25

0001662: [OS Specific Issues] Error loading reports on linux as filename returned from modules is lower case a some reports include upper case chars
0001661: [Reports] Pallet Report Pallet Label A5 has problem with SSCC font wrapping - text field too small.
Commander4j - 7.21

0001653: [Software Deployment] Deploy only packages which include Java Runtime bundled with installer.
0001649: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.10.0
0001650: [Interfaces] Excel Export for Numeric data being formatted as character data
0001648: [New Feature Requests] Add validation to prevent declaration of pallet > 10% over default full pallet quantity.
Commander4j - 7.15

0001639: [New Feature Requests] New Weight Checks Module
Commander4j - 7.13

0001626: [3rd Party Library Updates] Oracle JDBC Driver updated to version 19.3
0001627: [Installer] Install4j Updated to version 8.0.1
Commander4j - 7.12

0001621: [Desktop] Pallet Admin/Enquiry now supports wild card search of Master Hold Number field
0001622: [Desktop] Bug in SQL command which creates new Production Line (missing parameter)
Commander4j - 7.11

0001618: [Desktop] Add 3rd party open source information to help menu.
0001614: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.9.0
Commander4j - 7.10

0001606: [Desktop] Update look and feel of user interface
Commander4j - 7.00

0001584: [Desktop] Change Host selection screen to auto highlight first entry
0001583: [Desktop] Filter by Enabled Location on Location Admin screen and add standard record limit option to screen
0001579: [Scanner] Improve screen layout for all scanner web pages
0001581: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.8.1
Commander4j - 6.09

0001576: [Database] Add new column PREFIX_CODE to Production Line database and include in views for auto labeller
0001575: [Database] mySQL Connection Timout parameter added to jdbc connection string
0001573: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL Jdbc connector to version 8.0.16
0001574: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update ms sql server Jdbc connector to version 7.2.2
0001556: [Security] Add host (server name) to welcome screen.
Commander4j - 6.08

0001570: [New Feature Requests] Override regional settings
0001544: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JavaMail library to version 1.6.2
Commander4j - 6.07

0001536: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Cup4j from version 0.6.4 to 0.7.6
0001534: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade JasperReports to version 6.8.0
0001535: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 7.0.11
Commander4j - 6.05

0001523: [Database] Add column "required_uom" to view_sync4b
0001524: [Desktop] New system key to set the status of "auto confirm" checkbox on pallet labelling screen.
Commander4j - 6.04

0001516: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to version 6.7.1
0001518: [Label Printing] New functions available within label template files to permit pallet weigh to be calculated and printed.
0001517: [Interfaces] Update to inbound file processing file filter
Commander4j - 6.03

0001511: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL jdbc driver to version 8.0.15
0001508: [Software Deployment] Update install4j to version 7.0.10
0001497: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL JDBC driver to version 7.2.1 for Java 8
0001496: [3rd Party Library Updates] Revert SQL Server JDBC driver to version 7.0.0
0001473: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL JDBC driver to version 7.2 for Java 8
0001470: [Scanner] Target Apache Tomcat 8.5.37 when building b4web.war
0001469: [Desktop] Remove any journey assigned to despatch when despatch is deleted.
Commander4j - 6.02

0001449: [Installer] Java 1.8.0 (202) now bundled with installer
0001464: [Desktop] Unable to assign "NO JOURNEY" to a despatch
0001463: [Desktop] mySQL specific error using journey ref on screen lookup due to use of view rather than table.
Commander4j - 6.01

0001445: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 7.0.9
0001442: [New Feature Requests] Add popup dynamic lookup option on Batch Admin screen to view Pallet Admin and Pallet History Admin
Commander4j - 6.00

0001431: [Interfaces] Add from and to GLN Location data to Equipment Tracking message
0001424: [Database] Correct join issue with view_pallet_history_expiry in mysql database
0001425: [Desktop] Amend logon error message to ensure it is a foreground dialog box with focus
0001426: [Desktop] Change desktop table / grid look and feed by improving header.
0001427: [Installer] Amend install4j so that the jvm memory paramters -Xms256m -Xmx1024m are removed, Not needed in Java 8
Commander4j - 5.64

0001421: [Desktop] Add popup to table in Process Order Admin to load Pallet History for selected Material
0001422: [Desktop] Add popup to table in Process Order Admin to load Pallet Admin for selected Material
0001420: [Desktop] Add popup to table in Material Admin to load Pallet Admin for selected Material
0001419: [Desktop] Add popup to table in Material Admin to load Pallet History for selected Material
0001418: [Database] Add index on Pallet History table for field MATERIAL
0001416: [Database] Add index on Pallet History table for field PROCESS_ORDER
Commander4j - 5.63

0001408: [Desktop] Duplicate search criteria on Process Order screen for Customer ID
0001412: [New Feature Requests] Add customer search to Pallet History screen
0001410: [Database] Increase column MESSAGE_ERROR in SYS_INTERFACE_LOG to 200 characters
0001407: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL Server JDBC driver to version 7.0.0
0001406: [3rd Party Library Updates] mySQL JDBC updated to 8.0.13
0001405: [Database] Correct error in VIEW_QM_RESULTS for mySQL Schema
0001395: [Reports] Update Jasperreports library to version 6.7.0
0001404: [Software Deployment] Bundled java now updated to 8 (1.9.2.)
0001403: [New Feature Requests] Add option to copy/clone Process Order to admin screen.
0001398: [Desktop] Add options to Process Order table popup menu to access Material and Location
Commander4j - 5.62

0001384: [New Feature Requests] Extend Batch Number format logic into Customer Admin
0001382: [Security] User Admin needs to respect min password size 0 when creating random passwords
Commander4j - 5.60

0001352: [Database] Add option to flag Material record as either Enabled or Disabled so obsolete materials can be filtered out.
0001347: [3rd Party Library Updates] mySQL JDBC driver updated to 8.0.12
Commander4j - 5.59

0001330: [Setup] Fix schema export report in Setup4j
0001326: [Setup] Correct bug in setup4j and jdbc connect string function to include non default port for SQL Server
0001329: [Desktop] Fix display of about logo which has hard coded path
Commander4j - 5.58

0001314: [Desktop] General tidy up screen layouts to improve consistency
0001313: [Software Deployment] Update bundled java runtime to Java 1.8.0 (1.8.1)
Commander4j - 5.57

0001278: [New Feature Requests] Add functionality to copy pallets from one commander4j database to another.
0001305: [Database] Column PRINT_COPIES in table APP_LABEL_DATA changed to INT from VARCHAR (SQL Server Only)
0001295: [Interfaces] Include Layers in CSV export
0001300: [New Feature Requests] Add Layers calculation and database column to table APP_LABEL_DATA for Pallet only type transactions.
0001299: [Security] Apply permission to Process Order Label print option.
0001298: [New Feature Requests] Improved layout and filter capability for Production Line Admin screen.
Commander4j - 5.55

0001283: [Label Printing] Change layout of Process Order barcode
0001288: [Desktop] Move the setting of the printer data modified flag to the assignment function in JDialogAssignLabelDataToLine
0001287: [Interfaces] Remove generic outbound label data interface as it's a duplicate of individual printer interfaces.
0001286: [Interfaces] Write label data csv file using temp suffix of .out to prevent early processing by labeller service.
0001280: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports from 6.5.1 to 6.6.0
Commander4j - 5.53

0001249: [Label Printing] Create 2 Case labels for ZPL compatible printers
0001248: [Label Printing] Add PART_NO field from extension table to VIEW_LABEL_DATA view.
0001247: [Database] Ensure that nanoseconds are removed before saving batch expiry dates to the APP_MATERIAL_BATCH table
0001239: [Setup] Add functionality to check for updates to hosts file from remote url.
0001238: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Apache Commons Lang to commons-lang3-3.7.jar
Commander4j - 5.52

0001234: [Database] jdbc connection string for mysql not including port number if non default value specified.
0001233: [New Feature Requests] Add Help button to Setup4j
0001232: [Desktop] Enable beep warning sound when running desktop and setup programs when error dialog appears
0001231: [New Feature Requests] Add buttons on Setup4j to validate paths
0001230: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update bundled java to 8 (1.8.0_172)
0001145: [New Feature Requests] Add new attribute to Material Master data which is used to indicate if 2nd barcode needs to be validated during Prod Confirm
0001229: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Microsoft JDBC drivers to mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar
0001228: [3rd Party Library Updates] Oracle JDBC updated to version
0001227: [3rd Party Library Updates] mysql jdbc library updated to mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar
0001226: [Database] Add support for mySQL version 8.x
0001219: [New Feature Requests] Add independent version check and auto update of hosts file.
0001225: [Setup] Add option to Hosts Config (Setup4j) to allow program to open files from user specified locations.
0001222: [Desktop] Error determining override to label module id
0001212: [Desktop] Material Master main screen does not reset module override values when new material is selected.
Commander4j - 5.51

0001213: [Label Printing] Path specific special characters need to be removed from Production Line / Printer names when creating output files for labeller
Commander4j - 5.42

0001200: [Clone Utility] Clone utility is not closing all connections on completion and cannot be run twice in succession.
0001185: [Installer] include install4j.jar in distribution but remove from
0001189: [Interfaces] Remove characters used by OS as path separators from labeller id's when building output filenames
0001179: [New Feature Requests] Add option to schedule interface maintenance task for specific time of day
0001182: [New Feature Requests] Journey selection dialog to automatically filter by despatch destination location id
0001137: [New Feature Requests] Enhance message recovery thread to filter files by file extensions suitable for appropriate file types.
0001136: [Software Deployment] Java updated to version 1.8.0_162
0001134: [Installer] Install4j updated to version 7.04
0001127: [New Feature Requests] Material Locations Admin - provide combo box of valid locations when adding new record.
0001116: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports Library updated to version 6.5.1
Commander4j - 5.41 (2018-01-13)

0001106: [Interfaces] Incoming Material Batch XPath code has typo in XML structure
0001096: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC driver from mysql-connector-java-5.1.43-bin to mysql-connector-java-5.1.45-bin
0001097: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Microsoft JDBC from sqljdbc42.jar to mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar
0001095: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update jackcess-2.0.5 to jackcess-2.1.9
0001094: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update from commons-email-1.3.3 to commons-email-1.5
0001093: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update commons-io-2.4 to commons-io-2.6
0001092: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update commons-text-1.1 to commons-text-1.2
0001090: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports library to version 6.5.0
0001091: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update OpenCSV to version 4.1
Commander4j - 5.40 (2017-12-13)

0001089: [Scanner] Add new pallet completion option to scanner menu which requires case label validation.
0001088: [Scanner] Add new option to scanner menu to permit operator to verify GTIN barcodes on case and pallet labels are consistent
0001082: [Reports] Change app ident for Case/Tray Jasper Reports so that EAN is type 01 not 02
0001075: [Interfaces] Inbound Journey messages with wrong location don't display correct message in interface log
0001072: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports updated to version 6.4.3
0001071: [Software Deployment] Bundled Java updated to Java 8 (1.8 152)
0001048: [New Feature Requests] Add data archive routine to delete old data from APP_LABEL_DATA table.
0001045: [New Feature Requests] Add data archive routine to delete pallet data over nominated age.
Commander4j - 5.39 (2017-10-11)

0001069: [Desktop] Add config file to customise application name, web links and support contact email
0001068: [Desktop] Do not display host selection dialog if only 1 host defined.
0000975: [Master Data] Create demo data folders and interfaces which can be enabled to populate an empty database
0000985: [New Feature Requests] New inbound interface to create Locations required.
Commander4j - 5.38 (2017-08-30)

0001053: [Interfaces] Improve email exception message when incoming prod dec has a batch number field which contains too many chars
0001051: [Scanner] Remove trailing spaces from the journey ref field when saved.
0001046: [Database] APP_LABEL_DATA - PROD_QUANTITY and BASE_QUANTITY being transposed when populating via case labelling.
0001049: [Label Printing] pack_label_01.jrxml and pack_label_02.jrxml amendments in issue 0001046
0001047: [Label Printing] Zebra_300dpi_Pack_Label_01.lbl and Zebra_300dpi_Pack_Label_02.lbl amendments in issue 0001046
0001043: [Installer] Install4j updated to 7.02
0001041: [Security] Wrong permission name assigned to user reports Save button
0001018: [Label Printing] Add "Assign to Labeller" option to Finished Goods - Pallet Labeling screen.
0001017: [Reports] Include a new user defined report as standard to Export Despatch data to Excel - DESPATCH_EXP
0001016: [Build Scripts] Oracle schema version 103 contains a hard coded schema (owner) name which needs to be removed.
0001013: [Software Deployment] Update Bundled Java runtime to 1.8.0_144
Commander4j - 5.37 (2017-08-06)

0001015: [Desktop] Fix Production Line Properties so that printers are filtered by group (Pallet / Pack) Group Type
0001007: [Build Scripts] Auto create user defined system queries as part of Schema 106 for QM Panel Sample Labels
0001006: [Build Scripts] Add new database archive definition for APP_JOURNEY table as part of schema 106
0000561: [Documentation] Ensure all application help buttons have relevant wiki pages created.
0001001: [Clone Utility] Clone has not copied nvarchar fields from MS SQL to mysql
0001000: [Installer] JVM command line parameters has wrong path to log4j.xml
0000738: [Desktop] Add new button to Module Admin screen to test selected modules help page - invocation of correct Wiki Page
0000299: [New Feature Requests] Include despatch number in email exception relating to Equipment Tracking warning messages
0000034: [Desktop] Restrict edit Expiry Date by a permission
0000738: [Desktop] Add new button to Module Admin screen to test selected modules help page - invocation of correct Wiki Page
0000999: [Scanner] Update target version of Apache Tomcat to 8.5.16
0000998: [Translations] Refresh Hungarian Translations in Database
0000997: [Translations] Refresh Polish Translations in Database
0000995: [Build Scripts] Upgrade bundled Java to Java 8 Update 141
0000994: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL jdbc driver to 5.1.43
0000991: [Security] Create 2 new groups JOURNEY_PRINT and JOURNEY_ADMIN during update to version 5.37 Schema 106
0000990: [Scanner] Journey Error Message not cleared from Scanner screen when correct value entered.
0000977: [Build Scripts] Install4j updated to version 7.0
0000971: [Software Deployment] Amend install4j update process so that the "silent update" does not prompt user at all.
0000989: [Build Scripts] Install4j updated to version 7.01
0000982: [Build Scripts] Verify and correct differences in database (data) populated during initial database creation.
0000969: [Reports] Create new report for security audit
0000984: [Database] Column 'resource_key' in table SYS_MODULES needs to be uppercase in MS SQL Schema.
0000976: [Interfaces] Create Interface Log Archive job definitions during schema 106 upgrade. 30 Day retention period.
0000979: [New Feature Requests] Add the ability to specify mixed printer types for a single report.
0000981: [Translations] Refresh Dutch Translations in Database
0000980: [Translations] Refresh Italian Translations in database
0000970: [Translations] Refresh French Translations to database
0000967: [Translations] Refresh Spanish Translations in database
0000968: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade Jasper reports library to 6.4.1
0000974: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update calls to Apache POI to use new methods used by updated libraries included in JasperReports 6.4.1
Commander4j - 5.36 (Released 2017-05-17)

- 0000936: [Interfaces] Allow use of relative paths and {base_dir} token in the output path for case labelling CSV files.
- 0000935: [Desktop] Sometimes Dialog boxes invoked from the Assign Process Order to Production Line screen (Case Labelling) does not get focus
Commander4j - 5.35 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000933: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Oracle JDBC driver to 12c Release 2 (
- 0000932: [Desktop] Sample Label printing does not clear down user defined input fields if executions of user functions fails to find data.
- 0000930: [Software Deployment] Update bundled Java 8 to 131 (8u131)
- 0000929: [Desktop] Add new field to QM Select Lists called "Visible" to permit old codes to be suppressed from drop down boxes without deleting.
- 0000928: [Desktop] Optimise QM Sample Results Update screen to avoid delay redrawing table when user has entered invalid Process Order Number
- 0000927: [3rd Party Library Updates] mySQL JDBC driver updated to version 5.1.41
- 0000925: [Desktop] Add Write Off Reference to Master Holds Header and Reports
- 0000926: [Desktop] Add new option to Analyse Quality Results to Menu
- 0000924: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Microsoft SQL JDBC driver to Version 6.0 Jan 2017 Release
Commander4j - 5.34 (Released 2017-04-01)

- 0000922: [Desktop] Add WRITE_OFF_REF field to Master Hold screen and report.
- 0000921: [Interfaces] Amend DESADV output for Despatch so that JOURNEY REF has auto generated unique value if not specified by user
- 0000920: [Database] Correct column USER_REPORT_ID which has incorrect size in Oracle schema - Table SYS_USER_REPORTS
- 0000916: [Desktop] Modify all Excel Export calls on desktop screens to refresh table data after export.
- 0000915: [Desktop] Add "Limit" to SQL select on Batch Admin Screen
- 0000919: [Database] Add column WRITE_OFF_REF to the APP_MHN table
- 0000918: [Database] Add new columns USER_DATA_3 and USER_DATA_4 to the table APP_QM_SAMPLE
- 0000917: [Reports] Create new User Defined Report type of SYSTEM
- 0000914: [Desktop] Add "Limit" to SQL select on Material Admin Screen
Commander4j - 5.32 (Released 2017-01-10)

- 0000904: [Database] Schema creation and sql scripts have case errors which are apparent when mysql server is running under Linux.
- 0000903: [Interfaces] Extend interface and database to accommodate extra data from Atlas
- 0000902: [Desktop] When deleting a unconfirmed despatch which has a journey ref assigned make sure journey is released.
- 0000901: [Software Deployment] Java 1.8.0_121 bundled with application.
Commander4j - 5.30 (Released 2017-01-09)

- 0000895: [New Feature Requests] Enhancement to Commander Customer Table
Commander4j - 5.28 (Released 2016-11-11)

- 0000874: [Desktop] Dropdown combo box width wrong in Panel data entry table/grid
- 0000873: [Desktop] Enhance Pallet and Tray Labelling by optionally determining batch suffix via Process Order Resource using lookup table.
- 0000872: [Desktop] Add missing icons to Lookup buttons (various screens)
- 0000871: [Desktop] Add new Process Order Resource Lookup table with batch suffix default value
- 0000869: [Desktop] Add Resource Lookup buttons to Process Order screens (Admin & Properties)
- 0000868: [Desktop] Define missing language text setting for Material Location Properties screen
- 0000870: [Desktop] Correct background colour for Resource Properties and Material Location Properties Screen.
- 0000865: [Interfaces] Prevent inbound pallet status change from triggering outbound status change message
Commander4j - 5.27 (Released 2016-10-22)

- 0000864: [Software Deployment] Bundled Java updated to version 1.8.0_112
- 0000863: [New Feature Requests] Button to be added to Desktop Despatch screen to remove currently assigned Journey Ref
- 0000861: [Interfaces] Suppress creation of outbound DESADV message if Despatch contains no pallets.
- 0000860: [Database] Amend database function to round up number of layers on pallet when result is not an integer.
- 0000851: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL jdbc driver to 4.2
- 0000849: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports to version 6.3.1.
- 0000850: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mysql driver to version 5.1.40
Commander4j - 5.26 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000845: [Software Deployment] Bundled version of Java now updated to 1.8.0_101
Commander4j - 5.25 (Released 2016-07-23)

- 0000843: [Label Printing] Add Intermec Fingerprint label printing as an alternative to Zebra ZPL .
Commander4j - 5.23 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000841: [Software Deployment] If user selects installer with bundled jre force that JRE to be installed used even if system has JRE with major version already .
Commander4j - 5.21 (Released 2016-05-28)

- 0000823: [Reports] Upgrade JasperReports library to version 6.2.2 .
- 0000826: [Desktop] Color of checkbox wrong on Despatch screen.
Commander4j - 5.19 (Released 2016-05-14)

- 0000822: [Reports] Exporting audit log to Excel with MS SQL Server database does not export columns of varchar2 .
- 0000825: [Desktop] Desktop (Swing) popup calendar does not work is regional settings has a month representation < 3 characters.
Commander4j - 5.17 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000794: [Security] Setting "Password Change Read" at same time as creating new user account does not work
- 0000793: [Desktop] QC Dictionary Item Properties - combo box for alignment not showing options correctly.
- 0000792: [Desktop] Combobox List width not sizing to accommodate wide items in QC Sample Results screen - Windows Only
Commander4j - 5.16 (Released 2015-09-08)

- 0000795: [Desktop] Password complexity error message does not wrap new lines correctly
Commander4j - 5.14 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000785: [Software Deployment] Update bundled JRE to use Java version 1.8.0_60
- 0000782: [Reports] Printing a report which has been configured to go directly to a printer without displaying dialog generates error.
Commander4j - 5.13 (Released 2015-07-16)

- 0000770: [Security] Special handling of user "interface" required to accommodate password complexity
- 0000771: [Security] Delete user function fails with missing SQL statement when run against MS SQL database
Commander4j - 5.12 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000769: [Software Deployment] Java SE 8 [1.8.0_50] now bundled with application
Commander4j - 5.11 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000766: [Setup] When building schema for mySQL on Linux OS there are errors relating to mixed case table and view names
Commander4j - 5.10 (Released 2015-07-09)

- 0000761: [Desktop] Workstation Validation flag causing null exception when loading Tray/Case label line properties.
- 0000757: [Security] Empty warning message when user account locked due to excess number of bad password attempts.
Commander4j - 5.03 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000756: [Scanner] Update web application to Java 8 and Tomcat 8
- 0000755: [Software Deployment] Updated to Java 8 (1.8) as minimum required version.
Commander4j - 5.02 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000754: [Security] When updating to version 5.x from previous version all current passwords should be converted to lower case (known state)
Commander4j - 5.01 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000752: [Setup] SQL update for MS SQL database schema version 93 has syntax error - 0000751: [3rd Party Library Updates] install4j updated to version 6.03
Commander4j - 5.00 (Released 2015-06-21)

- 0000743: [Security] Add timed account auto-unlock facility - configurable reset time
- 0000748: [Security] Add option to store user passwords within database using a encrypted format.
- 0000747: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports updated to version 6.1.0
- 0000746: [Database] Increase size of TEXT field in SYS_LANGUAGE from 150 to 250 chars to accommodate multi line messages for Password errors
- 0000742: [Security] Add user disabled option in addition to account locked flag.
- 0000741: [Security] Ensure password cannot contain user id
Commander4j - 4.61 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000740: [Desktop] Enforce field length check / restriction on all data entry screens to prevent user input exceeding database field sizes
- 0000633: [Interfaces] Invalid date on outbound despatch confirmation blocks the outbound message queue.
- 0000731: [Security] Option to prevent passwords being re-used added.
- 0000732: [3rd Party Library Updates] mySQL JDBC updated to 5.1.35
- 0000730: [Security] Amend max number of characters that password entry fields can accept from 10 to 20.
- 0000728: [New Feature Requests] Add additional validation to case label printing in the form of a list of valid workstations per production line.
- 0000726: [Scanner] Update Apache Tomcat to version 7.0.61
- 0000725: [Reports] Standardise reports looks and feel.
- 0000667: [Software Deployment] Update version of install4j used to version 6.03
- 0000723: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports Library to version 6.04
- 0000724: [Software Deployment] Update bundled Java Runtime included with installer to
- 0000719: [Security] Add option to module admin screen to display groups to which selected module has been assigned.
- 0000720: [Security] Add new function to user admin screen to permit an existing user profile to be cloned/copied.
- 0000718: [Security] Add option to list users which belong to selected group on the group admin screen.
- 0000717: [Interfaces] Auto archive of backup interface messages is not deleting files, just reporting files that would be deleted.
- 0000715: [Desktop] Setup screen for Production Lines which includes resource validation does not load current status when editing
- 0000689: [Security] Scanner logon not respecting max number of invalid password attempts and not locking account when exceeded.
- 0000694: [Security] Add option to export Groups to Excel
- 0000690: [Security] Remove passwords from function to export user database to Excel
- 0000714: [Security] Modify user creation screen so that new record is only written to database after all fields have been completed inc password
- 0000713: [Security] Extend password field to 20 characters
- 0000698: [New Feature Requests] For convenience add Material Locations button to Material Properties Form
- 0000697: [Desktop] User reports "Save" button has missing icon
- 0000692: [Reports] RPT_REASONS report not working or missing
- 0000691: [Security] Add option to force user to use complex passwords using mixed case and non alpha characters
- 0000665: [Email Notifications] Extend email address field within Interface Admin module to accept more addresses.
- 0000678: [Database] Extend ID field in SYS_ARCHIVE table from 15 chars to 40
- 0000658: [Build Scripts] Update bundled java with version 4.60 to JRE
- 0000653: [Desktop] PL Language ID missing from User Preferences List and Translations Screen
- 0000649: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Oracle JDBC drive to latest release for 12c
- 0000648: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC to version 5.1.34
- 0000644: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update MS SQL JDBC class to 4.1
- 0000631: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update OpenCSV to version 3.1
Commander4j - 4.60 (Released 2014-12-26)

- 0000612: [Desktop] Unable to rename user id.
- 0000611: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update jasperreports library to version 6.0.0
Commander4j - 4.58 (Released 2014-11-21)

- 0000350: [New Feature Requests] Data Archive feature required.
- 0000553: [Setup] Prevent Setup4j from applying updates when target database is newer than setup program
- 0000607: [Security] Record workstation that user uses when logging into application against users record. Add workstation_id to users report.
- 0000606: [Security] New Login Mode needed PASSTHROUGH_FALLBACK to compliment current modes LOCAL and PASSTHROUGH
Commander4j - 4.57 (Released 2014-11-07)

- 0000603: [Desktop] Syntax in SQL update command blocking reset/resend of Label Data
- 0000598: [Desktop] Despatch confirmation common code not updating despatch confirmation date - error manifested with desktop app only
- 0000597: [Desktop] Population of available resources on the Production Line Properties screen not working,
- 0000595: [Desktop] Checkbox backgroud is white instead of grey when run on Windows platform
- 0000594: [Label Printing] Auto Labeller Lines screen has Resend button to re-process data - not working.
Commander4j - 4.56 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000589: [Label Printing] Trap null values (strings) being returned from database when evaluating functions in label layouts
- 0000588: [Interfaces] Additional selection criteria and columns added to Interface Log screen
- 0000587: [Website] New downloads page added with links to SoftPedia, MacInformer and SourceForge
- 0000586: [New Feature Requests] Add new function DATATIME for label processing function which allows field name an format spec to be passed to it
- 0000584: [Interfaces] CSV File creating routine needs updating to use Labeller ID AND Group ID to retrieve labeller data and build export filenames,
- 0000582: [Reports] Archive report not included in build 4.56
- 0000581: [New Feature Requests] Add CUSTOMER ID search criteria to Process Order Admin screen.
Commander4j - 4.55 (Released 2014-10-17)

- 0000579: [New Feature Requests] Add automatic database archive function to interface maintenance task so that old data is purge after x days
- 0000575: [Setup] Amend default auto update logic so that previous non JRE installed version will update view JRE bundled page to get Java 7
- 0000573: [Clone Utility] When cloning TO and Oracle database an error is encountered on SYS_LANGUAGES due to mnemonic field being 1 byte.
- 0000537: [New Feature Requests] Add new extension table to Commander4j Materials data to hold customer specific information - like part number
- 0000571: [Interfaces] Update inbound material master and process order interfaces to set additional fields in customer database when auto created.
- 0000570: [Desktop] Change layout on Materials Properties screen to accommodate new Customer Data button
- 0000569: [Desktop] Printer (Labeller) Properties screen not loading existing values into fields as it's passing incorrect number of params to SQL
- 0000568: [Desktop] Quantity column is too narrow on Master Hold Assign selection table grid
- 0000567: [Desktop] Remove double click event handler from table grid on Master Hold Properties Screen
- 0000566: [Desktop] Syntax Error in MS SQL statement preventing Interface Log Archive button from removing old log records.
Commander4j - 4.54 (Released 2014-10-02)

- 0000564: [3rd Party Library Updates] Incorrect jar files referenced in manifest causing version 4.53 not to start.
Commander4j - 4.53 (Released 2014-10-02)

- 0000559: [New Feature Requests] Amend Pallet & Pack Labelling screens so that manually typed process orders now warn if order not in Ready/Running status.
- 0000297: [Interfaces] Add check for 0 byte files to inbound interface validation
- 0000298: [Interfaces] Add disk free space into Daily Interface Status Reports
- 0000392: [New Feature Requests] Add new auto archive feature to backup directories which will delete files after x-days
- 0000556: [Desktop] Material UOM Admin table grid has wrong background colour
- 0000555: [Desktop] Material UOM Admin screen has Help button mislabeled as Add,
- 0000551: [New Feature Requests] Enhance inbound file interface to sort files by date/time modified before processing
- 0000548: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports to 5.6.1
- 0000535: [Desktop] Icon file contains a minor white line across bottom edge which needs correcting
- 0000543: [Desktop] Type of CheckBox's on Location Properties is wrong and shows background colour as white.
- 0000542: [Desktop] Default status (enabled/disabled) for new Locations needs to be Enabled.
- 0000545: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Apache Commons Libraries
- 0000546: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update CSV and MSAccess Libraries
- 0000547: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL JDBC library
Commander4j - 4.52 (Released 2014-09-12)

- 0000532: [Desktop] Refresh all language translations in database and insert any missing values.
Commander4j - 4.51 (Released 2014-08-30)

- 0000528: [Database] Oracle table SYS_PRINTERS uses wrong data type for field PORT - should be varchar2(10)
- 0000527: [Desktop] Pallet History and Pallet Enquiry screens not generating correct SQL with Oracle Databases to limit number of rows returned.
- 0000521: [Email Notifications] Simplify the end of day email reports to be only 1 email instead of the current 3
- 0000290: [Reports] Modify Despatch Reporting
Commander4j - 4.50 (Released 2014-08-09)

- 0000495: [Scanner] Add password change option to Scanner Menu
- 0000492: [New Feature Requests] Migrate source to Java 1.7 code base. Discontinue support for Java 1.6
Commander4j - 4.33 (Released 2014-06-07)

- 0000497: [Clone Utility] Clone utility includes ms-sql system table "sysdiagrams" in table count with can prevent it from cloning
- 0000483: [Desktop] Java 1.7 running on OSX and Linux - Printer Select not working due to printer queue name being returned instead of description.
- 0000448: [New Feature Requests] Amend User ID rename function so that it includes new user defined reports module.
- 0000482: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports to 5.6.0
Commander4j - 4.32 (Released 2014-06-06)

- 0000481: [Database] Database view VIEW_AUTO_LABELLER does not work since PROCESS_ORDER field was moved to APP_LABEL_DATA table.
Commander4j - 4.26 (Released 2014-04-12)

- 0000463: [Label Printing] Reprint Label option on Production Declaration Screen generates a "Parameter 1 missing" error message
Commander4j - 4.25 (Released 2014-04-04)

- 0000461: [Reports] ZPL Pallet Label with embedded new expression does not pad out fixed length Application ID's GTIN / Variant in demo labels.
Commander4j - 4.22 (Released 2014-04-25)

- 0000451: [New Feature Requests] Add new feature "PASSTHROUGH" authentication so that users are automatically logged in with their Windows AD account.
- 0000450: [Database] Create new database view to include both CU and DU GTIN codes for Case/Tray label printing.
- 0000449: [Interfaces] Add CSV output interface to generate CSV data for Logopak auto labellers on request for Tray / Case label printing.
- 0000447: [New Feature Requests] New System Keys added for Password Min and Max sizes
- 0000446: [New Feature Requests] Support for Windows Services changed from JavaServiceWrapper to inbuilt support within Install4j
- 0000445: [3rd Party Library Updates] Updated jdbc drivers to latest versions for mysql and Oracle
Commander4j - 4.21 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000440: [Label Printing] New expression evaluation module added to permit simple functions to be declared within .lbl files
Commander4j - 4.20 (Released 2014-02-26)

- 0000437: [Database] Bug introduced with new conditional label definitions broke create option for Materials, Customers and Materials Types.
- 0000434: [Desktop] Bug which prevented new Customer/Material & Material Type records being created
Commander4j - 4.16 (Released 2014-02-16)

- 0000432: [Database] Extend size of Despatch number field to accommodate up to 18 characters
- 0000431: [New Feature Requests] New function to specifically print Pack labels (non-sccc) based labels.
- 0000430: [New Feature Requests] Add additional configuration options to allow alternate label designs to be linked to Customer, Material or Material Type
Commander4j - 4.15 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000429: [Scanner] Symbol Pocket Browser meta tags need amending so that Battery and Signal indicators are in correct position for MC9190
- 0000427: [Clone Utility] Clone utility not handling data types correctly when target DB is Oracle.
- 0000422: [New Feature Requests] Add Polish translations to application.
- 0000421: [New Feature Requests] Add German translations to application.
- 0000420: [New Feature Requests] Add French translations to application.
- 0000419: [Desktop] Toolbar button labels which contain words of more than 10 characters cause wrapping of text and need trimming.
Commander4j - 4.14 (Released 2014-01-19)

- 0000269: [Reports] Improve error handling for server side default printer lookup. Service Permissions issue.
- 0000415: [Documentation] Amend url for "No Help Found" to point to wiki pages.
- 0000414: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade version of commons-email library and add system keys to enable/disable SSL on SMTP
- 0000310: [Reports] Exception in Printer Selection routine of there is no default printer
- 0000412: [Reports] Add links to existing Auto Labeller database so that one or more label printers can be linked to Production Line.
- 0000411: [Reports] Add Label Printer database to drive direct TCP/IP printing to Zebra, Logopak Printers etc.
- 0000410: [Desktop] Mini Toolbar in Tree menu should not be floating and needs attribute to fix location
- 0000405: [Interfaces] Database view which includes {PROCESS_ORDER} in batch number is not substituting the correct value
Commander4j - 4.12 (Released 29-12-2013)

- 0000401: [Desktop] Enlarge buttons on desktop toolbar and add legend to describe function
- 0000393: [Database] Update Schema Build Script to include Customer Name in Labeller View
- 0000400: [Setup] xml DTD for Hosts File needs updating to reflect additional fields.
- 0000399: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update JasperReports to 5.5.0
- 0000398: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update to JavaMail API 1.4.7
- 0000397: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update of CUPS printer library to 0.6.4
Commander4j - 4.11 (Released 2013-10-08)

- 0000396: [New Feature Requests] Add Spanish Translations to Application
- 0000387: [Setup] Enhance installer to permit custom hosts file to be supplied with pre-configured values
Commander4j - 4.09 (Released 2013-10-08)

- 0000362: [Documentation] Wiki updated for new User Reports module.
- 0000357: [3rd Party Library Updates] Email libraries updated to latest version - better support for gmail
- 0000361: [Database] Simple shift patterns table added to schema for simplifying report criteria selection.
- 0000360: [Desktop] General tidy up of screen layouts - consistent button sizes and font anomalies
- 0000358: [New Feature Requests] New data export option within User Reports - export to MS-Access
- 0000356: [Desktop] Popup calendar button/font size inconsistent with rest of application.
- 0000355: [Clone Utility] Cross Platform database clone utility bug in schema evaluation causing out of memory
- 0000354: [Desktop] Edit Pallet function showing current EAN from Material Master rather than original from SSCC record.
- 0000349: [New Feature Requests] Add hoc user reports function added
- 0000348: [Desktop] Font on pop-up calendar non standard
- 0000340: [New Feature Requests] Add new field to Location Table to indicate if item is Active. Hide from view if not.
Commander4j - 4.08 (Released 2013-07-17)

- 0000331: [Database] Correct field name error in mySQL schema table APP_QM_DICTIONARY
- 0000330: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update mySQL drivers to 5.1.28
- 0000328: [3rd Party Library Updates] JasperReports Library updated to version 5.1.2
- 0000329: [3rd Party Library Updates] Java Service Wrapper updated to version 3.5.19
- 0000323: [Reports] Improve MHN List report creation speed.
Commander4j - 4.07 (Not Yet Released)

- 0000317: [New Feature Requests] Increase maximum rows that can be exported to Excel to 65535
Commander4j - 4.06 (Released 2013-06-05)

- 0000319: [Reports] Code128 Barcode Mode Switching Problem can block trailing characters where batch uses odd number of alphabetic chars
- 0000318: [Reports] Add Unicode Character support to Label Printing in Zebra (ZPL) mode.
Commander4j - 4.05 (Released 2013-04-04)

- 0000292: [New Feature Requests] Improve Error Reporting when EAN Check digit is wrong on incoming material master message
Commander4j - 4.04 (Released 2013-03-06)

- 0000273: [New Feature Requests] Update JDBQuery class to perform better with huge database result sets when user defined limit applied.
Commander4j - 4.03 (Released 2013-02-24)

- 0000275: [Desktop] Function to Edit Master Hold Notice slow loading due to inefficient SQL query.
- 0000274: [Database] Create utility program to allow Commander4j databases to be moved between mySQL, MS-SQL and Oracle instances.
- 0000271: [Desktop] Unable to delete history records from Interface Log Admin screen due to sql syntax error.
Commander4j - 4.02 (Released 2013-02-16)

- 0000265: [Database] SQL script error in MS SQL schema effecting Menu Admin screen (assigned modules not displaying) .
- 0000263: [New Feature Requests] Add Auto Labeller Control Panel to Commander4j desktop .
- 0000264: [Database] Modify character set and database/table collation to uft8 in mySQL schema .
Commander4j - 4.00 (Released 2013-01-13)

- 0000242: [Desktop] Confirm/Print button should be disabled on Production Declaration screen if Process Order is invalid
- 0000243: [Desktop] QM Enquiry screen does not generate correct SQL query field delimiter for MS SQL databases
- 0000247: [New Feature Requests] Display warning on label printing screen if pallet quantity is 0
- 0000248: [Desktop] Modify QM Label Printing screen to permit user to override system date & time
- 0000259: [Setup] Add option to password protect the Setup4j program
- 0000258: [New Feature Requests] Add automatic update function to the Commander4j desktop application.
- 0000257: [Database] Oracle schema update for version 60 contains syntax error.
- 0000256: [Desktop] Default help button loads old Wiki web page location and needs updating.
- 0000255: [New Feature Requests] Update JasperReports library to version 5.0.0
- 0000195: [Setup] Prevent Setup program from lowering (downgrading) required program version. - closed.
Commander4j - 3.98 (Released 2012-10-20)

- 0000240: [Desktop] NumberCellEditor importing wrong class
- 0000239: [Database] Amend syntax of view VIEW_PALLET_EXPIRY to use left joins so that it works when no batch record exists
- 0000238: [Database] mySQL APP_MATERIAL database definition for weights has wrong number of decimal places.
- 0000237: [Setup] Unit of Measure 'LAY' not being created during initial installation of schema
Commander4j - 3.97 (Released 2012-10-12)

- 0000236: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Jasper Reports Library to 4.71
- 0000233: [Database] Help System - Amend url in database to point to new WIKI pages
- 0000234: [Desktop] Manual Material add via desktop requires 2 attempts as initial create does not fill in details.
- 0000235: [Database] Despatch to self blocked when using desktop function to despatch.
Commander4j - 3.96 (Released 2012-09-07)

- 0000231: [Desktop] Create new pallet function within Pallet Admin does not create a new record.
- 0000230: [Scanner] Deleting SSCC from scanner redirects to wrong screen after completion.
- 0000229: [Scanner] Deleting a despatch on the desktop while the same despatch is active on scanner causes problems
- 0000228: [Reports] Additional error reporting required where report specifies missing label file.
Commander4j - 3.95 (Released 2012-08-11)

- 0000224: [Database] Syntax error in MS SQL schema update script effecting a view.
Commander4j - 3.94 (Released 2012-07-31)

- 0000221: [Database] Occasional record locking issues with scanner and interfaces.
- 0000223: [Interfaces] Syntax error in MS SQL insert statement for Process Order inbound interface introduced in 3.393 fixed
- 0000222: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update jdbc driver for MS SQL databases.
- 0000220: [New Feature Requests] Add configuration option to permit despatch source and destination to be the same if required.
Commander4j - 3.93 (Released 2012-07-30)

- 0000219: [Desktop] Quality Control Data Grid does not permit numeric values to be blanked out.
Commander4j - 3.92 (Released 2012-07-23)

- 0000218: [New Feature Requests] Implement rolling log files to limit disk space consumption.
- 0000217: [Interfaces] New outbound interface messages added for Pallet Split and Pallet Delete
- 0000216: [New Feature Requests] Function to split and existing pallet and create a new one.
- 0000215: [New Feature Requests] Add Pallet Delete Function to Scanner Menu
Commander4j - 3.91 (Released 2012-07-19)

- 0000214: [New Feature Requests] Modify delete pallet function to validate if pallet is confirmed and check quantity is zero
- 0000213: [Desktop] Popup menu on Interface Log Screen using wrong class/font.
- 0000212: [New Feature Requests] Improve "Assign Service" function to recreate wrapper.conf from uo to date template file.
- 0000211: [New Feature Requests] Add capability to report on labels generated but never confirmed.
- 0000210: [Desktop] Popup Calendar not displaying arrows on buttons to change year
Commander4j - 3.90 (Released 2012-07-16)

- 0000208: [Scanner] Scanner takes long time to confirm large despatches - potential timeout issue.
- 0000209: [Desktop] Assigned pallets sometimes not being refreshed on screen when switching to "Confirmed" view.
- 0000207: [Desktop] Despatch Screen (Date) field incorrectly formatted.
Commander4j - 3.85 (Released 2012-07-13)

- 0000206: [3rd Party Library Updates] Error when starting program re Timestamp class not being found
Commander4j - 3.84 (Released 2012-06-26)

- 0000204: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.14
- 0000203: [3rd Party Library Updates] Upgrade JasperReports to version 4.6.0
Commander4j - 3.83 (Released 2012-05-04)

- 0000205: [New Feature Requests] Add Quality Control Module to Application
- 0000202: [Desktop] Label Printing does not automatically produce label when user manually specifies SSCC
Commander4j - 3.81 (Released 2012-01-28)

- 0000199: [Reports] Laser Pallet Barcode looking at SSCC Expiry field instead of Batch Expiry Field
- 0000198: [Reports] Jasper Reports throwing errors due to date (month) evaluation issues with barcode field,
- 0000197: [Desktop] Regular Expression on Batch Number format cannot detect case sensitive errors,
- 0000196: [Reports] Pallet Label "Letter" Laser Report does not work
Commander4j - 3.80 (Released 2011-12-13)

- 0000192: [Setup] Lower case table names referenced in mySQL schema script causing upgrade errors.
- 0000191: [Interfaces] Update Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.13
- 0000190: [Reports] Update Jasper Reports to version 4.5
- 0000189: [New Feature Requests] Update email sending library to support Gmail.
- 0000188: [New Feature Requests] Add option to suppress splash screen on startup - faster screen refresh for Terminal Services
Commander4j - 3.73 (Released 2011-12-06)

- 0000187: [Desktop] Summary reports option on Pallet Admin and Pallet History causes error messages on grid display.
Commander4j - 3.72 (Released 2011-11-17)

- 0000150: [Reports] Amend code so that reports have an independent database connection.
- 0000186: [New Feature Requests] Add EAN Check Digit verification to Material UOM's screen.
- 0000185: [Setup] Setup4j did not respect non default port number for MS SQL databases
Commander4j - 3.71 (Released 2011-11-13)

- 0000184: [Reports] Improved Barcode Reports for Laser (non Zebra) printers
Commander4j - 3.70 (Released 2011-11-08)

- 0000180: [Desktop] Update context sensitive help to work with WIki Pages
- 0000181: [Desktop] Missing Resource (Language) ID's in MHN Decision and Reason screens
- 0000182: [Reports] EAN Font size too large on Laser Label Report
- 0000183: [Desktop] Centralise control over font sizes within application code.
Commander4j - 3.63 (Released 2011-10-28)

- 0000179: [Reports] Paper/Print width is not being defined explicitly within the Zebra ZPL label commands.
- 0000178: [Desktop] Font properties not being specifically set for popup menus.
Commander4j - 3.62 (Released 2011-09-27)

- 0000177: [New Feature Requests] Modify desktop help engine to permit help pages to point to Wiki
- 0000176: [Interfaces] Update Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.12
- 0000175: [Reports] Upgrade JasperReports to version 4.1.2
Commander4j - 3.61 (Released 2011-09-21)

- 0000174: [New Feature Requests] Include application version number in routine Interface Maintenance Emails.
- 0000173: [Interfaces] Update Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.11
- 0000172: [Interfaces] Email alerts not working if email address contains underscore character.
Commander4j - 3.60 (Released 2011-09-07)

- 0000162: [Reports] Process Order Barcode report (GUI) does not work.
- 0000143: [Desktop] Database connection error dialog when running on Linux is not visible - obscured by splash screen
- 0000171: [Desktop] Despatch Screen not showing last n despatches correctly
- 0000170: [Desktop] Expiry (BBE) rounding rule not applied if user selects manual override option
Commander4j - 3.56 (Released 2011-08-18)

- 0000169: [New Feature Requests] Named threads would help interpreting log files.
- 0000168: [Reports] Process Order Barcode Report not working
- 0000167: [Scanner] Despatch Menu not displayed after update to JDBQuery - not getting correct host/session id's
- 0000166: [Desktop] Default sequence in table grid is wrong for Pallet History Screen.
- 0000165: [Interfaces] Default permissions for INTERFACE group needs ADD/EDIT/DELETE included.
- 0000164: [Database] Column name WORKSTATION_ID is too small in Oracle table SYS_INTERFACE_REQUEST
- 0000163: [Database] Oracle table SYS_INTERFACE_REQUEST contains a column which is a reserved name - MODE
- 0000160: [New Feature Requests] Implement updates to database query libraries to standardise across SQL syntax implementations.
- 0000161: [Database] Review code for database resource leaking issues.
- 0000159: [Database] Change column name from COMMENT to COMMENTS in APP_MHN (Oracle reserved word)
- 0000158: [Database] When running against Oracle 11g database you can run out of available cursors.
Commander4j - 3.55 (Released 2011-08-03)

- 0000157: [Reports] Change all report filenames to lower case for Linux installs
- 0000156: [Reports] Pallet Report does not work in mySQL Linux environment
- 0000155: [Desktop] Splash screen obscures error message dialogs when running in Linux.
Commander4j - 3.54 (Released 2011-06-23)

- 0000153: [New Feature Requests] Auto create new units of measure encountered in incoming material definition messages.
- 0000152: [New Feature Requests] Include message as attachment to all emails which relate to interfaces.
- 0000151: [Setup] mySQL database script error when creating database on Linux host due to case sensitivity
- 0000149: [Desktop] Missing jar in commander4j.jar manifest preventing print queue from being changed in OSX
Commander4j - 3.53 (Released 2011-05-18)

- 0000146: [Desktop] Specific manner in editing pallet quantity gives strange results
- 0000145: [New Feature Requests] Allow web menu to link to external applications.
- 0000144: [Reports] Font for SSCC on Pallet Label too large when run under Linux
Commander4j - 3.52 (Released 2011-05-14)

- 0000142: [Interfaces] Update Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.9
- 0000141: [Reports] Upgrade JasperReports to version 4.02
Commander4j - 3.51 (Released 2011-04-21)

- 0000140: [Reports] Report - Material UOMS not working due to error in font specification.
- 0000138: [Interfaces] Missing (incorrectly named) column in SYS_INTERFACE_REQUEST table in mySQL schema
- 0000137: [Setup] Create updated OSX Icons for Application
- 0000136: [Interfaces] Interfaced Material Master updates sometimes return error code when they have processed OK
- 0000124: [Desktop] Title bar does not display correct name on System Information screen.
- 0000135: [Setup] Value of BATCH FORMAT System Key created incorrectly during database configure
- 0000128: [Desktop] Numeric JSpinner controls used by desktop (Limit) function not using correct fonts. - closed.
- 0000134: [Interfaces] Interface routines using incorrect path separator on Linux / OS X machines. - closed.
- 0000133: [Desktop] Interface Log Screen not retrieving records due to error in SQL syntax for mySQL - closed.
- 0000132: [Database] Amend mySQL database creation scripts to use uppercase table and field names. - closed.
- 0000123: [Reports] Cannot select (change) default print queue from Commander4j when running under OS X - closed.
Commander4j - 3.42 (Released 2011-04-19)

- 0000122: [Reports] Printing ZPL direct to Zebra Print Queue on MAC OS X does not work. - closed.
- 0000118: [Interfaces] Printing from Scanner on RF Device can block interface thread if print queue / report errors encountered - closed.
- 0000127: [Desktop] Toolbar button sizes incorrect when running under OS X - closed.
- 0000125: [Desktop] Date input controls using default (incorrect fonts) - closed.
- 0000126: [Desktop] Mac OS X System Menu not being used by application - closed.
- 0000129: [Desktop] Default internal window background colour is wrong OS X - closed.
- 0000130: [Desktop] Background to Tables is defaulting to white under OS X - closed.
- 0000131: [Desktop] Icon missing from delete button on Interface Admin Screen. - closed.
Commander4j - 3.41 (Released 2011-04-06)

- 0000120: [Desktop] Location validation option not working properly - closed.
Commander4j - 3.40 (Released 2011-03-05)

- 0000119: [Desktop] Regional settings not being used correctly when displaying and updating quantity fields - closed.
Commander4j - 3.29 (Released 2011-01-20)

- 0000117: [Scanner] Scanned SSCC added to despatch needs to have location the same as the Source Location of Despatch - closed.
- 0000116: [Desktop] Confirming a Despatch on the desktop software does not re-validate the despatch status - potentially allowing duplicate confirm - closed.
Commander4j - 3.28 (Released 2011-01-05)

- 0000115: [Desktop] Year component of Batch Number calculation will reflect current year and not Production Year
- 0000114: [Interfaces] Upgrade Java Service Wrapper to version 3.5.6 - closed.
- 0000113: [Scanner] Add multi language support to HTML web pages. Extend Desktop functionality to RF Scanners - closed.
- 0000112: [Desktop] Display print queues in alphabetical order. - closed.
- 0000111: [Reports] Upgrade Jasper Reports to 4.0.0 - closed.
- 0000110: [Interfaces] Extend content of inbound Material Master Message to include list of valid locations for material. - closed.
- 0000109: [New Feature Requests] Add additional data fields to XML Despatch Confirmation output message for external processing by middleware. - closed.
- 0000107: [Reports] Upgrade Barcode4j Library to version 2.1 - closed.
Commander4j - 3.27 (Released 2011-01-05)

- 0000108: [New Feature Requests] Add option to validate material destinations during despatch. - closed.
Commander4j - 3.26 (Released 2010-12-07)

- 0000106: [New Feature Requests] Add option to restrict despatches of materials to certain locations. - closed.
- 0000105: [Desktop] Desktop on 3.25 fails to start as .jar manifest had not been updated to point to new JasperReports 3.7.6 - closed.
Commander4j - 3.25 (Released 2010-10-27)

- 0000099: [Interfaces] Production Declaration from External Systems allows SSCC Expiry Date to be Earlier than Production Date.
- 0000095: [Scanner] Cannot scan new pallets onto despatch if no destination location has been selected.
- 0000104: [Reports] Upgrade JasperReports to 3.7.6 - closed.
- 0000103: [New Feature Requests] Record application version against user id during login to validate users have latest version. - closed.
- 0000102: [Interfaces] Rare cases where interface file recovery thread and inbound message thread clash over concurrent access to file. - closed.
- 0000101: [Desktop] Add Italian to supported Languages. - closed.
Commander4j - 3.24 (Released 2010-09-24)

- 0000094: [New Feature Requests] Allow more than 3 labels per SSCC to be printed.
- 0000090: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Jasper Reports to 3.7.5
- 0000089: [Reports] MHN Summary (Detail) report generates a SQL Error
- 0000087: [Desktop] Editing a pallet's material number is not reflected in the "Edit pallet" screen.
- 0000088: [3rd Party Library Updates] Update Java Service Wrapper to 3.5.4
Commander4j - 3.23 (Released 2010-09-17)

- 0000086: [Database] Search function for new pallets in MHN module not finding records in Oracle databases due to null in query
- 0000084: [New Feature Requests] Add facility to update selected database within the service wrapper config file.
Commander4j - 3.22 (Released 2010-09-11)

- 0000025: [Scanner] Font size on scanner screens is too small
- 0000076: [Scanner] What is the scanner timeout setting for the Commander4j web application.
- 0000077: [New Feature Requests] Link Pallet Status Change to Decision Change in new MHN Module
- 0000075: [Scanner] Microsoft Jscript runtime error
- 0000082: [Setup] Allow users to ignore SQLerrors raised by execution of SQL upgrade scripts.
- 0000081: [New Feature Requests] Display Confirmation Status of Pallet in Table as CheckBox instead of "Yes" or "No"
- 0000080: [Desktop] Link MHN Decisions to equivalent Pallet Status codes and change. Changing a decision therefore automatically updates status.
- 0000079: [Setup] Run Setup4j with elevated permissions so that it has read/write to commander config in installed directory.
- 0000078: [New Feature Requests] Improve table scrolling performance by caching recordset data
Commander4j - 3.21 (Released 2010-09-04)

- 0000074: [Desktop] Cannot cancel export to spreadsheet once filename dialog has appeared.
- 0000073: [Database] Bug in mySQL update script for version 3.20 (schema version 36)
Commander4j - 3.20 (Released 2010-08-26)

- 0000072: [New Feature Requests] New Quality Control Module called "Master Holds" added to system.
- 0000071: [Reports] JasperReports containing SubReports linked to the Primary Reports ResultSet are not visible.
Commander4j - 3.18 (Released 2010-08-03)

- 0000066: [Desktop] Request data validation on pallet quantity.
- 0000070: [New Feature Requests] Include feature to generate email to admin user when interface service is stopped or started.
- 0000067: [Scanner] Combo Box on Despatch screen is too wide for Symbol MC90xx scanner screen.
- 0000069: [Interfaces] Upgrade service wrapper to version 3.5.3
- 0000068: [Interfaces] Add functionality to perform maintenance after x number of transactions processed.
- 0000065: [Setup] Syntax error in Oracle version of SQL setup script.
Commander4j - 3.17 (Released 2010-07-21)

- 0000064: [Scanner] Double clicking confirmation button on despatch attempts to process transaction twice.
- 0000063: [Reports] Upgrade JasperReports to version 3.7.4
- 0000062: [Interfaces] Upgrade service wrapper to version 3.5.2
- 0000061: [Database] Add additional indexes to main tables to improve retrieval speeds for enquiries
- 0000060: [Interfaces] Equipment Tracking Interface sometimes getting wrong transaction number.
- 0000059: [Scanner] Suppress caching of JSP pages.
Commander4j - 3.16 (Released 2010-07-05)

- 0000056: [Desktop] SSCC's out of numeric sequence from Production Declaration Screen when generating multiple records.
- 0000057: [Desktop] Interface Log Screen - Date & Time of Event Selection Criteria does not work
- 0000058: [Database] Popup Date & Time Selection Control not included on Interface Log Screen
- 0000055: [Reports] Possible Resource Leak when running Reports via RF Scanner Web interface.
- 0000054: [Reports] SQL error when running Despatch Report against an Oracle Database
- 0000053: [Interfaces] Update Java Service Wrapper to 3.5.1
- 0000052: [Interfaces] Inbound Material Master message which has a invalid UOM conversion factor does not trigger exception handling
- 0000051: [Desktop] Drop down list of Transaction Subtypes does not include PRINT
- 0000050: [Reports] Recommend reduction in Finished Goods Label Company Name Font to allow more characters to be printed.
Commander4j - 3.15 (Released 2010-06-26)

- 0000049: [New Feature Requests] Improve class responsible generation of new SSCC's to reduce record locking and network I/O
Commander4j - 3.14 (Released 2010-06-24)

- 0000048: [Scanner] Broken sessions to web interface attempting to resume without using the initial home page can lock servlet.
Commander4j - 3.12 (Released 2010-06-17)

- 0000047: [Interfaces] Pallet Status Change messages which do not include a SSCC in the messages causing looping in interface module.
Commander4j - 3.11 (Released 2010-06-07)

- 0000046: [Database] Improve reporting of record locking errors to user.
- 0000002: [New Feature Requests] Interface reporting via emails do not currently support emailing on a successful message only errors.
- 0000045: [New Feature Requests] Add a print summary dialog box to the Production Declaration (Label Printing) screen to confirm what has been requested.
- 0000044: [Scanner] It is possible to confirm a despatch twice if being updated on 2 wireless scanners at the same time.
- 0000043: [Reports] Pallet Summary report does not group the data correctly
- 0000042: [New Feature Requests] A feature to allow "Customer Specific" heading/titles at top of Finished Goods Label.
- 0000041: [Reports] Update Jasper Reports components to version 3.73
- 0000040: [Interfaces] Upgrade Java Service Wrapper to version 3.4.1
Commander4j - 3.10 (Released 2010-06-01)

- 0000037: [Desktop] Password validation errors on new user creation if "no password change" selected.
- 0000036: [Desktop] Add pop-up Calendar control to date time input fields
Commander4j - 3.08 (Released 2010-05-21)

- 0000035: [New Feature Requests] Add facility to print a bar code label containing the Process Order and or Line Number
- 0000033: [New Feature Requests] Interface Log screen would fit better on smaller resolution monitor if it was not as tall.
Commander4j - 3.07 (Released 2010-05-16)

- 0000031: [Interfaces] Missing Haulier value in despatch results in "null" being included in DESADV message
- 0000029: [New Feature Requests] Outbound DESADV needs to pick up current batch status from local tables rather than static value
- 0000030: [Reports] Modified STN incorporates SQL which is valid for mySQL but not valid for MS SQL
- 0000028: [Reports] Can the "Pallet" Production Summary report be grouped by Material + Process Order
- 0000013: [New Feature Requests] Cannot display more than 11 open despatches on Scanner "Active List"
- 0000003: [New Feature Requests] Generate LOGOPAK print request via putting request in INTERFACE_REQUEST table - closed.
Commander4j - 3.06 (Released 2010-05-11)

- 0000027: [Reports] Changes to STN report layout
- 0000023: [New Feature Requests] Request filter by Despatch number box be added to the despatch screen
- 0000019: [Desktop] Time element is included in expiry date calculation which can cause incompatibilities with external interfaces
Commander4j - 3.05 (Released 2010-05-08)

- 0000018: [Scanner] Scanning unconfirmed pallet in Pallet Info functions causes exception in Servlet and blocks function from use.
Commander4j - 3.03 (Released 2010-05-02)

- 0000017: [Reports] Printing STN from Scanner does not work
- 0000015: [Interfaces] Incoming Pallet Status Change is not recorded in Pallet History
Commander4j - 3.02 (Released 2010-04-28)

- 0000014: [Scanner] Despatch Function allows user to select the source and destination to be the same.
Commander4j - 3.01 (Released 2010-04-24)

- 0000008: [Desktop] Having certain printers as a default crashes Commander
- 0000012: [Interfaces] Reprocessing a successful outbound message is processed on the local workstation not the server.
- 0000011: [Scanner] Javascript error when viewing Despatch Header
- 0000010: [Desktop] Editing Pallet and Amending Batch Number generates Expiry Date Mismatch Error.
Commander4j - 3.00 (Released 2010-04-21)

- 0000009: [Interfaces] Missing "B" from RFF+ZBR EANCOM Push Despatch Segment.
- 0000007: [Desktop] Printer Selection
- 0000006: [Desktop] Load No text missing from STN Reprot
Commander4j - 2.99 (Released 2010-04-19)

- 0000004: [Reports] Printing Label to Zebra Printer shows wrong month ( -1 ) in BBE date