From Commander4j Wiki
The below fragment of the configuration file called config.xml which can be found in the ./xml/config folder.
<map id="map01" enabed="Y" description="Rockwell Material Master to C4J Material Master"> <input id="in1" description="Read Rockwell Material Master"> <type>XML</type> <path>./interface/input/01 (Rockwell FFMW Material)</path> <mask/> <pollingInterval>1000</pollingInterval> <XSLT>ROCKWELL_MM_FFMW_XML_to_C4J_XML.xsl</XSLT> </input> <output id="out1" enabed="Y" description="Write Commander4j Material Master"> <path>./interface/output/01 (C4J - Material)</path> <type>XML</type> <XSLT/> </output> </map>
[map id] can be anything you like but should be unique. I